Happy Children's Day

Children's Day on PhotoPeach

    * Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction.
    * You can learn many things from children. 
    * A characteristic of the normal child is he doesn't act that way very often.
    * A child can ask questions that a wise man cannot answer.
    * Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it.
    * The world is as many times new as there are children in our lives.
    * Children make you want to start life over.
    * Children are the keys of paradise.

English - Simon Says

Sometimes it is important to follow directions.

Let's practice with Simon and the funny squirrels.

English - Rhyming words

Listen to the Rap of Rhyming Words. 

Science - All About Living and Non Living - Things

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Science - Living and Non Living Things

Children recognized different living and non living things at school.

They explored some characteristics of Living Things:

1) Living Things eat.
2) Living Things grow and change.
3) Living Things move.
4) Living Things reproduce.

They also observed some interesting videos about this.

English - Phonics /x/ and /y/

Let's practice some words and songs with the phonics /x/ and /y/. 

Maths - Games about Symmetry, Fractions and Nearest Ten

Look at this video about The Nearest Ten...

Now click on the webs below to practice some maths concepts.

1. Finding the Nearest Ten:
    a) http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-2/round-to-nearest-ten
2. Symmetry

Maths - Rounding to the Nearest Ten

When we want a number that is "about right" we can round it to the nearest TEN.

We explored this meaning during the maths classes. Let’s watch some pictures of this moment. 

Rounding to the Nearest Ten on PhotoPeach

Maths - Exploring the Symmetry

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Maths - Symmetry

SYMMETRY IS ... When I divide a plane shape in 2 equal parts with a line. 

A rectangle has 2 lines of symmetry. 

A square has 4 lines of symmetry.
A triangle has 1, 2 or 3 lines of symmetry according to its shape. 

A circle has many lines of symmetry. 

English - New Vocabulary

Look at the presentation below and learn the vocabulary of the new story of the Robinson Family: "Naughty Children".

Are you a Naughty child?

Social Studies - 4 Seasons in a Year

There are 4 seasons in a year.

1.    Summer
2.    Autumn / Fall
3.    Winter
4.    Spring

Let’s remember some characteristics of each Season with this song!

Science - Some Games about Habitats

Enjoy the following games playing with the animal's and plant's habitats. 

CLICK on the pictures to get in the games!

Science - Habitats

A habitat is a special place where a planto r animal lives. Just like YOU have a home or a place to live, so do animals and plants.

When we talk about an animal’s or plant’s home it is more like a neighbourhood than a “house”. An animal needs five things to survive in its habitat:
- Food
- Water
- A shelter
- Air
- A place to raise its young

Just like you have to go to a store to get food, an animal leaves its “shelter” to get the things they need to live.

All the animals need different habitats.
- A fish for example, needs clean water in which to live.
- A grasshopper however needs a big space where it can hop.

Let's watch some videos about habitats...