1. God created the world by word-
Day 1: He said: “Let there be light.” And Light was created.
Day 2: He said: “Let there be water on the grounds and water up in the sky.”
Day 3: He said: “Let there be trees and flowers on the land.”
Day 4: He said: “Let there be stars, Moon and Sun on the sky.”
Day 5: He said: “Let there be birds on the sky and living creatures on the oceans.”
Day 6: He said: “Let there be animals on the land.” Then God made the HUMANS.
The world was created in 6 days and it was beautiful.
When the 7th day came, God had finished creating the world so he rested.
Everything what we see around us is all work of God. Isn’t it beautiful?
Let’s watch a video about this!