Religion - God's Created The World

1. God created the world by word-
Day 1: He said: “Let there be light.” And Light was created.
Day 2: He said: “Let there be water on the grounds and water up in the sky.”
Day 3: He said: “Let there be trees and flowers on the land.”
Day 4: He said: “Let there be stars, Moon and Sun on the sky.”
Day 5: He said: “Let there be birds on the sky and living creatures on the oceans.”
Day 6: He said: “Let there be animals on the land.” Then God made the HUMANS.
The world was created in 6 days and it was beautiful.
When the 7th day came, God had finished creating the world so he rested.
Everything what we see around us is all work of God. Isn’t it beautiful?
Let’s watch a video about this!

Maths - Skip Counting

Bear Cubs know how to count from 0 to 30. It is very important to know exactly what number comes before and after another number. This will be the key to learn all about addition and subtraction.
Let’s practice with some math games!

English - Sentences

Sentences always begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop. Today we have practiced in English class making sentences. For example:
Miss Lucía is tall.
It is a sentence because it starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. Next term we will learn more about the sentence parts.
Now, we can practice with some internet games.

English - Vowel /a/

"A" is a vowel, a letter in the alphabet. We use this vowel a lot.

Let’s practice its sound with this video.

Music Classes

The recorder (sweet flute) is a great instrument, and many people enjoy playing it. Our Bear Cubs will learn this year all about the recorder.

This instrument will help our students to work with their patience and their tolerance. It will also help them to remember about volume levels and create a variety of different musical notes.

Today, our music teachers introduced the recorder as a musical instrument.

Maths - Odd and Even Numbers

Today Bear Cubs learnt about Odd and Even Numbers.
Let's practice this at home! Look at the video below and practice!

Social Studies - Our Personal Information

This week we have learned about personal information. It is information that says something personal about people like, name, age, telephone number, address, etc.

Not all the people should know our Personal Information.

Let’s watch a video about this:

“Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

This story is about a beautiful girl that has a special day in a Bear’s house.

Let’s watch the story and sing a song about it.

Our class's name is...BEAR CUBS

Bear Cubs are baby bears that have interesting characteristics:

a. They have brown hair and short tail.
b. They run fast.
c. They have a great sense of smell.
d. They usually live in caves.
e. They are also good climbers and good swimmers.


Click on the book.