"The Tenth Lepers"

We have watched this videos at class.

We have also answered the following questions:

1) Why the lepers feel so sad?

2) Why they ask for help?

3) What did Jesus do?

Cookie Land Song

Hi there Ricky!
Hi there Sam!
Hi there Lulu!
Welcome to Cookie Land!

We are the cookies and we are happy today!
Big Mouth is gone!
Hip hip hoorey!

No more troubles!
No more fears!
No more problems!
Our friends are here!

My country has three regions

Look at the food of The Coast, The Highland and The Jungle!

Happy Father's Day!

Dear Dad,

Thank you for all your love. I think you are my hero! I love to play with you, because we have fun together!

Have a nice day!

...This are some sentences of the children. Enjoy the present!...

Let's see this amazing video about the relation between son and dad...

Smart Board

We love the Smart Board. This week we have practiced some topics about plants. Let's see!

Campaña Circulando

El día 02 de Junio la Fundación Mapfre llegó a nuestro Colegio a hablarle a los Bear Cubs sobre la responsabilidad vial y las señales de tránsito.

Los chicos aprendieron acerca de muchas señales de tránsito que no conocían y encontraron significado a muchas otras cosas.

Primero vimos un video acerca de: ¿Qué pasaría si el mundo no tuviera conciencia de la importancia de las señales de tránsito?

Luego fuimos al circuito preparado por la Fundación Mapfre dentro de nuestro Colegio a poner en práctica todo lo que habíamos aprendido.

Veamos cómo nuestros niños aceptaron el desafío!


Today Winter's chocolates came to our school to show the children the new flavors of chocolates and choco punch.

It was very funny, look at the pictures!