El Super Oso

El día de hoy miércoles 28 de abril visitó el colegio "El Super Oso". Durante su visita, dió un paseo por nuestro salón y le informó a los Bear Cubs la importancia de la buena alimentación y del consumo de vitaminas.
Los niños estuvieron muy atentos a la información :)

Al final del día todos se llevaron a casa algunos catálogos con juegos e información y además algunas muestras de vitaminas.

Veamos un video de la

Our Friend: Sierra

Sierra is a girl from our school. She is a student that always visit the class to teach something new for our children.

This time, Sierra read a nice story called: "Walking through the Jungle". At the moment it is the favourite story for the Bear Cubs. They recognize the pictures and associate them with the words. They are becoming in good readers. We have to be patient!

Let's watch how Sierra read the story to our children!

St. George's Week Sports and Ralleys


Four houses: "Griffin", "Pegasus", "Phoenix" and "Minotaur".
During the week exciting games were played under different categories. For example, in the Mini categorie they played: Football, Handball and Athletics. While Major and Medium categories sports were: basketball, table tennis, chess, football and volleyball. So young and old participated in sports this week.

Each house had their bars and they showed great enthusiasm, commitment and teamwork.

Finally on Saturday 24th were the expected Gymkhana. Parents and children came to the school to share a day of funny and exciting games. Parents and children gathered at the school very early to organize their bars.

The winner house was Pegasus. Congratulations Pegasus!

We all together are the St. George's Family!

First Study Visit

Last Thursday 15th grade one visited the Huachipa Zoo. It was very interesting for the children. They learned a lot of things about the animals like their habitats, their needs, their feedding and their families.

Children enjoy a lot the animals. The best part of the study visit was the part of the dinosaurs. It was amazing.

They also went by train all around the zoo. They could see all the animals and the Rimac river.

At the end of the study visit they participated in a workshop called "Peaks and Teeth". They learned how do animals eat.

Let's watch some photos and videos!

Our Kids Doing Experiments

It is amazing to observe our children at the school.

Let's watch a video about our kids doing an experiment with the air.

They are really having fun!

The Five Senses

My five senses help me to learn.

1) With the sense of sight we can see the
colours, the food, the plants, the toys, etc.
2) With the sense of hearing we can listen
to different sounds like voices and music.
3) With the sense of touch, we can find out what is in this bag.
4) The sense of taste helps us to feel the flavors of the food.
5)The sense of smell tells us about our environment.
We can smell good things like “tasty” food, horrible
smells like dirty socks and dangerous smells like smoke from a fire.


Miss Vanessa and the Bear Cubs are learning about the shapes.

Working in groups!

The Human Body

In this term we have learned about our human body.

The human body has many parts. Some parts are on the outside of the body. Other body parts are inside.

One of the inside body parts is the heart. It beats all the time. Each time it beats, it pumps blood through our body. Another inside body parts are the lungs. We have two lungs. When we breathe, air goes in and out of lungs.

The photos show a nice work we made of our body parts.

Our Families

The families are the persons that live in our house. They are the people who love us a lot. We share a lot of moments together.

The members of our family are: My father, my mother, my sister, my brother and my grandparents. Each member is very important in our families. We all collaborate at home.

We know also that our family is like a tree. We come from our parents and our parents come from our grandparents. Let's sing this song about the family tree.

Personal Information

Children are learning that our personal information is PRIVATE information. We have played a game on the smartboard and then we have seen a video about a girl that presented us her personal information.

Don't forget to learn your telephone number and your adreess!

Let's watch the video!


Children identify numbers from 1 to 20. We sing a lot at class. This is one of our favourites songs. Enjoy it!